Using Twitter to Promote Your Stream

The use of Twitter to promote your stream is a very easy way to market your stream and it’s 100% free! All it requires is a bit of your time and effort but the trade off can be incredible.

Twitter to Promote Your Stream
internet radio marketing

Twitteris considered one of the giants within social media scene with 2
330 million monthly active users starting Q2 2019. This platform can be used to engage with this large user pool to increase your streams audience.

Create an Account on Twitter to Promote Your Stream

All you require is an email address or phone number and an account name, which you should keep simple and focused on your stream name as this will be public to all users. Take some time to write a good Twitter bio and make sure to include your stream or website URL.

Lets begin by going over the Twitters terminology as it does differ slightly from other Social Media outlets:
Post = Tweet
Username = Handle
Share post = Retweet or RT

First Steps to Growing Your Account

To get started, find some Twitter accounts that interest you or are relevant to your stream image and “follow” them. By following them, you will have their Tweets on your main feed when you log in and they may even follow you back which is exactly what you want. Find us on Twitter @CastHostNet and we would be glade to follow you back and help each other grow.

If you need some time to think of your own content or experiencing writers block you can always retweet relevant content from others which can encourage them to do the same for you. It also allows your followers to see that there is an actual human behind the account and not just a robot spitting our repetitive content.

Creating Tweets For Your Twitter Account

Keep in mind that Twitter does limit your characters per “Tweet” so make sure to be very picky on the words you want to add. “Retweets” are the main goal to using Twitter to promote your stream as that means others out there are interested enough about your content to share with their own followers. This exponentially increases the reach of your post and more people retweet, the more you are seen on peoples feeds on top of the organic searches for the keywords you have chosen.

Use of Hashtags

What is a hashtag? If you have spent any time on any major social network you’ve likely seen posts with “#” symbol followed by one or several words such as #CastHost, #music, etc. This text creates searchable links. Users can use these to start or participate in conversations. Note that no spaces are used after these hashtags.

There will be “go-to” hashtags that you use more regularly once you get the hang of things, although, we’d suggest that you continue taking time to find trending topics which draws in different and in most cases more users. Just make sure that these topics are relevant to your brand to achieve the best effects.


Keep true to your streams roots as that makes you stand out from all the rest when using Twitter to promote your stream. Growing a large presence on Twitter can can a while so don’t rush it and have fun. Just keep at it and continue to interact with any existing audience you may have and encourage them to access your Twitter account. They may be willing to help out by retweeting for their list of followers to see. Using different hashtags and having your audience retweet can help you grow your own followers much faster.

Once again, feel free to engage our and we may even retweet some of your content! We are in this together and we love to partner up with our community.

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